Re: Velocity Template Errors on my Model...

From: James Cicenia (
Date: Tue Dec 04 2007 - 13:09:12 EST

  • Next message: James Cicenia: "why can't I see my messages?"

    1) Here is the screenshot of the problematic relation:

    It is the portfolioMetricListPortfolioProjects relation.

    Here is another with the same problem:

    It is the projectRosterMemberProjectPhaseTasks relation that is
    causing the problem

    Here is the plist you asked for after resetting it back:

         attributes = (
             {columnName = "add_date"; name = addDate; prototypeName =
    dateTime; },
                 allowsNull = Y;
                 columnName = "add_user_id";
                 name = addUserId;
                 prototypeName = id;
                 columnName = "document_type";
                 name = documentType;
                 prototypeName = varchar50;
                 width = 29;
             {columnName = "document_url"; name = documentURL;
    prototypeName = varchar255; },
             {columnName = "last_mod_date"; name = lastModDate;
    prototypeName = dateTime; },
                 allowsNull = Y;
                 columnName = "last_mod_user_id";
                 name = lastModUserId;
                 prototypeName = id;
                 allowsNull = Y;
                 columnName = "parent_id";
                 name = parentId;
                 prototypeName = id;
                 allowsNull = Y;
                 columnName = "project_document_object_id";
                 name = projectDocumentObjectId;
                 prototypeName = id;
             {columnName = "project_id"; name = projectId; prototypeName =
    id; },
             {columnName = "row_id"; name = rowid; prototypeName = id; },
             {columnName = title; name = title; prototypeName =
    varchar255; }
         attributesUsedForLocking = (addUserId, lastModDate,
    lastModUserId, parentId, rowid);
         className = "com.tos.eo.ProjectDocument";
         classProperties = (
         externalName = "project_document";
         fetchSpecificationDictionary = {};
         name = ProjectDocument;
         parent = TOSBase;
         primaryKeyAttributes = (rowid);
         relationships = (
                 destination = TOSUser;
                 isToMany = N;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = rowid; sourceAttribute =
    addUserId; });
                 name = addUser;
                 destination = ProjectDocument;
                 isToMany = Y;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = parentId;
    sourceAttribute = rowid; });
                 name = children;
                 destination = TOSUser;
                 isToMany = N;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = rowid; sourceAttribute =
    lastModUserId; });
                 name = modUser;
                 destination = ProjectDocument;
                 isToMany = N;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = rowid; sourceAttribute =
    parentId; });
                 name = parent;
                 destination = PortfolioProject;
                 isMandatory = Y;
                 isToMany = N;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = rowid; sourceAttribute =
    projectId; });
                 name = project;
                 destination = ProjectDocumentObject;
                 isToMany = N;
                 joinSemantic = EOInnerJoin;
                 joins = ({destinationAttribute = rowid; sourceAttribute =
    projectDocumentObjectId; });
                 name = projectDocumentObject;



    On Dec 4, 2007, at 6:16 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >> Fair enough... it was checked as an attribute...
    >> I don't use them so I unchecked and that fixed that.... BUT, why
    >> would it make an error... I guess Mike is a real stickler.
    > I agree with Paul that 1) calling it rowid is a bad idea because
    > that is a reserved word in some databases and 2) presumably it was a
    > class attribute and I think that's what you're saying when you say
    > you "unchecked it" (that you made it a non-class attribute).
    > However, I just setup a test case with a class attribute PK and it
    > didn't generate the error you're seeing. Can you strip out your
    > model to JUST have that one entity that had the rowid error and send
    > it to me? Or actually, just send me the ProjectDocument.plist from
    > inside your model (with everything set back to what it was when you
    > got that error?).
    > Also, I committed a fix for the issue as well, so the
    > next build will have that part fixed up.
    >> NOW about this $relationship thing...
    >> Why isn't it picking up the relationships?
    > What exactly are the details of the
    > portfolioMetricListPortfolioProjects relationship? Is this a
    > flattened relationship by any chance? Can you send a screenshot of
    > the Basic properties tab for that relationship so I can see exactly
    > how it's setup?
    > ms

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