Re: EntityModeler not saving "not null" attribute

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Sun Dec 16 2007 - 19:29:50 EST

  • Next message: James Cicenia: "Re: Velocity Template _Entity Error Question"

    > Has somebody else seen that the latest EntityModeler versions do not
    > save the status of the "not null" checkbox to the model anymore (for
    > new entities or newly created attributes)?
    > The plist entry "allowsNull" is not written anymore for my entities.
    > Am I missing something or is that a bug? I've checked with the issue
    > tracker but haven't seen an entry, but there might be something
    > wrong here on my side ...
    I just tested with the latest and greatest and I'm not seeing
    this .... I would check the definition of your prototype and see if
    there's anything weird there. I was just testing with the Wonder
    varcharXxx prototypes and created a new entity with two allows null
    and one not null attribute, saved, quit, and reloaded it and it was
    still set properly.


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