Re: EntityModeler not saving "not null" attribute

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Sun Dec 16 2007 - 23:06:33 EST

  • Next message: Guido Neitzer: "Re: EntityModeler not saving "not null" attribute"

    On 16.12.2007, at 17:29, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > I would check the definition of your prototype and see if there's
    > anything weird there. I was just testing with the Wonder varcharXxx
    > prototypes and created a new entity with two allows null and one not
    > null attribute, saved, quit, and reloaded it and it was still set
    > properly.

    So, what I did to reproduce it:

    1. Create a new framework

    2. Add a new model

    3. Add a new entity

    4. Add two attributes, one marked as pk the other as a string (no
    prototypes involved, no database plugin), the second is set to allow
    null. This is what I get:

        attributes = (
                columnName = id;
                externalType = int8;
                name = id;
                valueClassName = NSNumber;
                valueType = l;
                allowsNull = Y;
                columnName = name;
                externalType = varchar;
                name = name;
                valueClassName = NSString;
                valueType = S;
                width = 512;

    5. Remove the checkmark for "allows null" for the second attribute and
    I get (pk attribute left out):

                columnName = name;
                externalType = varchar;
                name = name;
                valueClassName = NSString;
                valueType = S;
                width = 512;

    Conclusion: nothing with my Prototypes as there are no Prototypes
    involved, no database plugin, no Wonder, nothing. Just a clean new

    In the first case I should get a "allowsNull = N" for just the pk
    attribute, which is not there and in the second case I should get this
    for the other column, where it said "allowsNull = Y" before, but this
    information is just removed instead of being changed to "allowsNull =
    N" - therefor it does not create "NOT NULL" information on schema
    synchronization and the attributes are not marked as required in my
    D2W app.

    Can you reproduce it now?

    I'm on Leopard, WO 5.3.3, latest WOLips.




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