Re: EntityModeler not saving "not null" attribute

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Mon Dec 17 2007 - 00:25:22 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: EntityModeler not saving "not null" attribute"

    > In the first case I should get a "allowsNull = N" for just the pk
    > attribute, which is not there and in the second case I should get
    > this for the other column, where it said "allowsNull = Y" before,
    > but this information is just removed instead of being changed to
    > "allowsNull = N" - therefor it does not create "NOT NULL"
    > information on schema synchronization and the attributes are not
    > marked as required in my D2W app.
    Ah .. Yeah I see. EOAttribute defaults allowsNull to yes whereas
    Entity Modeler is defaulting it to no, so it actually should be
    writing allowsNull = N and leaving it blank for allowsNull = Y.


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