Re: Stand Alone Modeller

From: Pierce T. Wetter III (
Date: Thu Dec 20 2007 - 08:21:50 EST

  • Next message: Pierce T. Wetter III: "Re: How to make my _EO classes extend ERXGenericRecord?"

      I'm guessing that Mike has "jadclipse" installed (as I do) and so
    regularly looks at the internals of EOF to figure out
    "whatthehellisgoingon" (as I do). Anjo was just teasing him about it.

       But I could be wrong. It could be that everyone but me in the WO
    universe religiously respects all 2,965 pages of Apple's License
    Agreement and never, ever uses jadclipse. Instead, they read Apple's
    known-to-be-perfect documentation.

       Oh, and they never use jadclipse to set breakpoints in Apple's code
    either. Nope.

    > Could you include me in the joke? what is the issue?
    > Thanks
    > Pierre
    > On Dec 19, 2007, at 15:25, Mike Schrag wrote:
    >>>>> No, it was on a blank framework without any prototypes or so.
    >>>> OK ... I haven't actually tested it, just looked at EOF code to
    >>>> try to understand what's actually happening in EOAttribute.
    >>> How that?? EOF is not open source!
    >>> Tsk, wondering with glassy eyes, Anjo
    >> Did I say "looked at"? I meant "imagined" :)

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