WOLips creates incorrect launch classpath under windows (: instead of ;)

From: Grischa Steffin (g.steffi..mx.de)
Date: Fri Dec 28 2007 - 09:54:02 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: WOLips creates incorrect launch classpath under windows (: instead of ;)"

    Hello helpful list,


    There seems to be a bug in version 4753 under windows, eclipse

    It must be a "new" bug, at least version 4715 didn't have it.


    A ":" incorrectly appears between the groups of the "webobjects frameworks
    classpath" container (instead of ";").


    Example (the : at the end of line3 after javaxml.jar is incorrect).

    1 (.WOSystemFrameworks.);


    3 C:\Apple\Library\Frameworks\JavaXML.framework\Resources\Java\javaxml.jar:

    4 C:\Workspace\MyFramework\build\MyFramework.framework\Resources\Java;

    5 (.remaining WOLocalFrameworks.)


    The app then won't initialize "MyFramework" and as a result ERExtensions
    will not be correctly initialized as it gets fully initialized only after
    all frameworks have loaded.



    I updated WOLips because I have been experiencing some weird crashes of
    Eclipse connected with WOLips (once a week or so).

    Eclipse shuts down and won't start up until I move the WOLips plugins away,
    shutdown Eclipse, move back WOLips and restart Eclipse.

    Has anyone else seen that behavior?





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