Re: Various little problems

From: Chuck Hill (
Date: Mon Dec 31 2007 - 15:05:01 EST

  • Next message: Pascal Robert: "Re: Various little problems"

    Bonne Annče!

    On Dec 27, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

    > I migrated 78 projects today, and I got some problems :-/ Eclipse
    >, WOLips 3.3.4570, Tiger/WO 5.3.
    > 1) In Xcode, most of our images and other "static" Web resources
    > were in sub-folders of WebServerResources. Those sub-folders were
    > not real folders (ie, they were the "yellow" type, not the blue
    > one). Now, I'm trying to replicate the same thing in Eclipse by
    > creating real folders, moving the images to the folders and
    > selecting "WOLips Tools -> Exclude as WebServerResource" on the
    > folder.

    Include as....?

    > This tip works fine for the automatic build (the folders are not
    > part of the .woa/.framework in the build/ folder inside Eclipse),
    > but when I "install" the binary (WOLips Ant Tools -> Install), the
    > images are inside the sub-folders instead of being at the top-level
    > folder. Why does the behavior is different ?

    I am not sure I understand what you want. You want the images
    organized into folders in Eclipse but to all be in the same directory
    for deployment?

    It sounds to me like the behaviour of the Ant build is different
    because you are using the Wonder layout. The processing in the Ant
    builder in WOProject flattens all the files into one directory (or
    can, depending on how you include them). Anjo made some changes to
    how it handles Resources so this does not happen (IIRC) if the path
    contains Resources. I think he may have done the same thing for
    WebServer resources, but I am not sure.

    I _think_ if you change your build.xml to be this, it might do what
    you want:

                    <wsresources dir=".">
                           <includesfile name="woproject/
                         <excludesfile name="woproject/

    > 2) If I try to link a application with a framework source AND the
    > installed framework, I'm getting this:
    > Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
    > <> warning: There is already a
    > unique instance for Bundle named 'OSUtilitaires'. Use
    > NSBundle.bundleForName(OSUtilitaires) to access it:
    > < name:'OSUtilitaires'
    > bundlePath:'/Library/Frameworks/OSUtilitaires.framework'
    > packages:'("org.apache.commons.codec.language",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol", "org.json",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.util", "ca.os.utilitaires",
    > "org.apache.commons.logging.impl",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.params",
    > "",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods",
    > "com.metaparadigm.jsonrpc", "org.apache.commons.codec",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth", "net.jrochkind",
    > "org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart",
    > "org.apache.commons.logging", "org.apache.commons.codec.binary",
    > "org.apache.commons.codec.digest")' 290 classes >
    > at
    > (
    > at
    > (
    > at
    > (
    > at<clinit>(
    > AFAIK, it was working in previous builds of WOLips or maybe I did
    > something wrong ?

    I am not sure about that. How are you "linking" the application with
    the framework source?



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