Re: superunstable

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2008 - 12:19:54 EST

  • Next message: Sebastien: "Re: superunstable"

    On 11.02.2008, at 06:24, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > I'm sort of in a holding pattern and having second thoughts ... If I
    > commit, I also commit myself to a lot of work, because the ant build
    > portion is most likely going to break in a lot of funky cases (who
    > knows what people do in those ant files). I don't know if I want to
    > deal with it right now, so I'm just putting it off. I'm thinking
    > about just fixing a couple of the notable regressions in the current
    > one -- the double selection of local + system frameworks, the P/
    > Whatever error during conversion, and the unique framework bug --
    > which incidentally only doesn't happen to me because I have a custom
    > NSBundle that works around that problem.

    I like the idea of fixing these before going to completely new
    problems. Because the ones you mentioned are annoying (I stumble over
    them a lot at the moment, because I have to make so many changes here
    and there).


    Real-World WebObjects class at the Big Nerd Ranch
    March 2008, Frankfurt, Germany

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