Re: superunstable

From: Miguel Arroz (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2008 - 07:44:08 EST

  • Next message: David Avendasora: "Propagate Superclass Changes in Entity Modeler"


       Please do it! :)

    Miguel Arroz

    On 2008/02/12, at 04:56, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >>>> I'm sort of in a holding pattern and having second thoughts ...
    >>>> If I commit, I also commit myself to a lot of work, because the
    >>>> ant build portion is most likely going to break in a lot of
    >>>> funky cases (who knows what people do in those ant files). I
    >>>> don't know if I want to deal with it right now, so I'm just
    >>>> putting it off. I'm thinking about just fixing a couple of the
    >>>> notable regressions in the current one -- the double selection
    >>>> of local + system frameworks, the P/Whatever error during
    >>>> conversion, and the unique framework bug -- which incidentally
    >>>> only doesn't happen to me because I have a custom NSBundle that
    >>>> works around that problem.
    >>> I like the idea of fixing these before going to completely new
    >>> problems. Because the ones you mentioned are annoying (I stumble
    >>> over them a lot at the moment, because I have to make so many
    >>> changes here and there).
    >> +1
    >> Yeah, and this can be aimed at a new stable soon enough. I am keen
    >> for the shake-up, but this seems like a sensible move prior to that.
    > OK ... Here's what I'm proposing -- Comments welcome:
    > Already done:
    > * I just saved out patches for all my previous changes and I'm now
    > rolled back to the current unstable trunk
    > Proposal:
    > * Fix these handful of regressions that showed up in 3.3 (listed
    > above)
    > * 3.3.2 is supposed to be out by the end of Feb, at which point we
    > declare the unstable branch "stable"
    > * Once we are declare stable on 3.3.2, I will modify my original
    > classpath management code to use the CURRENT ant build system but
    > with the NEW eclipse classpath management (= ant.* stays around,
    > but management is much nicer and more fine-grain within Eclipse)
    > and I'll commit that
    > * After the inside-eclipse classpath system is tested and approved,
    > that will move to the "stable"
    > * After that moves to stable, the new ant build changes will go in
    > * After the new ant build changes are stabilized, it will go to
    > "stable"
    > * After that, possibly a bug bash? Vote for your most hated bugs,
    > etc. I'd also really like to clean up the "zero state" of WO
    > development -- smoothing the process for people just starting with
    > WO development (I think this ultimately will help everyone by
    > tightening the UI) -- if you have specific ideas for this, log them.
    > * Back to new stuff?
    > ms

    Miguel Arroz

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