Re: I just thought this looked cool

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2008 - 10:31:50 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Standalone Entity Modeler"

    > Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, WOBuilder only showed you the
    > keys that were in the model, not every possible key available to you
    > in the class. This is a huge step forward!
    I'm not sure what heuristic they use to determine this ...

    * At the top level, I would think you'd have to show all of the
    possible bindings on the component (sans "system" ones, which we
    remove now, too). It looks like WOB puts session and application up
    at the top of the list, which sort of makes sense

    * I think WOB also split out actions from regular bindings, which is
    actually a little bit tricky. I'm not sure how they determine which
    ones are actions compared to just regular "get" methods. No way they
    looked at the inheritance hierarchy to only show methods that extend
    from WOActionResults (and even though we can do that easily, it's
    really expensive to actually do that). I suppose it could look for
    methods that don't take params and either return void, or return non-
    void but don't have a correspondingly named setXxx method, to
    disambiguate it from a regular getXxx method (or xxx() method)? If
    someone wants to run some experiments on WOB, that might be interesting.

    * When you say it only shows keys that were in the model, this
    obviously only applies to keys that are of a model type. What about
    non-model types? Do they just not let you drill into them? That
    seems a little bit lame, though. Also, if you add custom methods to
    your entity java file (the non _File), you would want those to appear
    in the bindings list, so I don't think it's enough to only show
    attributes and relationships in the list of options.

    > And I notice on the WOLips blog (
    > ) that you are planning on adding drag-and-drop binding of keys to
    > tags! I can't wait! WOBuilder!? What's that?
    > Are you getting kickbacks on 30" Cinima Displays? I just need a
    > bigger monitor to keep all this good stuff at my fingertips!
    Yeah ... The 15" MBP has bowed screen edges from the pressure Eclipse
    puts on it.


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