Re: Entity Modeler and embedded derby

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 08:08:25 EST

  • Next message: David Holt: "Re: Entity Modeler and embedded derby"

    > Since no one seems inclined to answer my questions on this list
    > could you suggest where I should send them instead?
    Seems more likely that nobody is using Derby and thus can't answer
    your questions about it rather than that nobody is inclined to answer.

    > Should I just give up trying to use Derby and use FrontBase?
    If your question is "do i want things to be easy and use a database
    that lots of webobjects user use" then yes. If your question is "how
    can i find a conceptually confusing database to run" then you should
    stick with embedded derby running inside of an eclipse plugin
    classloader. I haven't used Derby since it was Cloudscape, and I have
    no idea what the ramifications are of attempting to use embedded derby
    from inside of Entity Modeler. Maybe it just works fine, but it blows
    my mind to think about it. I woudl expect networked derby to be no
    different than any other database, though.

    > Perhaps I should just give up using WebObjects.

    > -- How is it done?
    > Still don't know.
    I have no idea.

    > -- I am trying to use Entity Modeler in the
    > SophisticatedDatabaseExample.
    > Quit trying to use the SophisticatedDatabaseExample.
    > (If it had been my first experience with WebObjects, the MacBook Pro
    > would have flown out the window. I am not joking.)
    I have no idea what SophisticatedDatabaseExample is, but it seems to
    me that making a single entity with a PK and nothing else would be the
    place to start,

    > -- What is Entity Modeler's classpath?
    > (does it see these?:
    > /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaJDBCAdaptor
    > .framework/Resources/Java/javajdbcadaptor.jar
    > /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/derby.jar
    > /Library/WebObjects/Extensions/derbyclient.jar)
    > In my own apps, I can dynamically dump out the classpath.
    > Entity Modeler uses ...?
    > What classloaders does it use?
    Entity Modeler uses the classpath of your project. However, the only
    time this even comes into play is when you try to generate SQL or
    reverse engineer.

    > -- Where should derby.jar be?
    > I am refering to the Entity Modeler's classpath.
    > (derby.jar contains org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver)
    JDBC jars are generally in /Library/Java/Extensions. I ASSUME derby
    is no different here.

    > -- Where should javajdbcadaptor.jar be?
    > I am refering to the Entity Modeler's classpath.
    > (javajdbcadaptor.jar contains
    > com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.DerbyPlugIn)
    JavaJDBCAdaptor should be in your project classpath.

    > -- Where do I set the derby.system.home property?
    > I need to feed -Dderby.system.home=<location of derby.log>
    > to the vm running Derby, which is the vm running
    > Entity Modeler, or make some pathological jdbc url starting
    > from Entity Modeler's current directory at the time Derby
    > reads the property.
    I have no idea.

    > -- Do I need to specify the DerbyPlugIn?
    > com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.DerbyPlugIn
    > (the class contains
    > private static final String DriverClassName =
    > "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver")
    > My attempts to use it with networked Derby failed.
    It depends on how the plugin implemented. Usually you do not, but it
    can never hurt.

    > I. Can I use Derby
    I have no idea.

    > II. Can I use the Eclipse Derby plugin with WOLips?
    I have no idea.

    > III. How do I shutdown embedded Derby and (?)
    > (jdbc:derby:<somedb>;shutdown=true)
    > how do I restart embedded Derby?
    > A. using Entity Modeler
    I have no idea.

    > B. using the DerbyPlugIn
    I have no idea.

    > C. using EOF
    I have no idea.

    > I know how to use Derby.
    > I don't know how to use it with WebObjects, EOF, and
    > WOLips.
    > Is there any known working configuration?
    I have no idea.

    See why I didn't respond to your questions originally? I would do
    yourself a favor and install FrontBase, or you could try posting on wo-
    dev as Pierre added support for Derby, so presumably he knows how it's
    supposed to work.


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