Guinea Pig

From: Jeremy Matthews (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2008 - 17:55:36 EDT

  • Next message: Gustavo Pizano: "Im really noob, BUT Highly Interested"

    I need a Guinea, check out the latest installer.
    This newest revision includes the latest stable wolips Eclipse
    plugins...which should mean that there is just about everything in the
    installer you would need to get Eclipse/WOLips up and running (in
    short order).

    I really just need someone to install the package on a test machine
    (10.5.2+) and create a few WO apps, and make sure everything works
    (including the installed Frontbase Database). From my perspective, it
    all looks good, but I don't develop in WO enough to know if anything
    is missing...

    You can download the installer here:

    ....please send feedback after testing so we can make some final
    adjustments and release it to the public.


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