Re: Tutorial

From: David LeBer (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2008 - 18:10:39 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Hast: "Re: Velocity EOGenerator Date In Templates"

    On 12-Mar-08, at 5:40 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:

    > Ok i dunno if I understand good, but as for teh 7 tips you post I
    > think I following them, as for the line... well the veogen generated
    > this
    > public DisplayBoard localInstanceIn(EOEditingContext editingContext) {
    > DisplayBoard localInstance =
    > (DisplayBoard)EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(editingContext, this);
    > if (localInstance == null) {
    > throw new IllegalStateException("You attempted to localInstance
    > " + this + ", which has not yet committed.");
    > }
    > return localInstance;
    > }
    > and I guess if I put the new line you suggest I must implement the
    > newDisplayBoard (EOEditingContext) and formt here call the
    > localInstanceIn()method which resieds int he _DisplayBoard class,
    > which it looks for me like a singleton pattern.??

    My mistake, the stock Veogen templates only generate a factory method
    that takes all of the required attributes:

            public static DisplayBoard createDisplayBoard(EOEditingContext
    editingContext, ...required attributes... ) {

    Just follow the tutorial.

    The EOF Commandments are for reference only at this point, just be
    aware they exist. Both the Veogen templates and Janine's tutorial do
    the right thing.


    David LeBer
    Codeferous Software
    'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
    Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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