Re: WOD errors

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 09:46:27 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Missing "Generate Migration0" button in EntityModeler"

    > I think wolips is right in marking this as being unable to validate.
    > Your return type for is _Bar, not Bar, so it does not have
    > a baz() method. If the only way to access is, as you
    > say, with an unsafe type case then you should expect to need to add
    > a //VALID statement. Wolips does static analysis using type
    > information, if your key path cannot be expressed without type casts
    > wolips cannot validate it. That doesn't mean WO can't resolve it at
    > runtime, only that it cannot be validated using static analysis.
    >> Is there possibly a class path problem that might be causing
    >> this? Any other suggestions?
    > Use //VALID or change your return type of to Bar instead
    > of _Bar
    "What he said" :)

    But yeah, I'm somewhat limited in what I can do here ... For most
    types, I validate based on pure static analysis based on the type
    rules of Java (meaning, if you have to cast, then I don't know what
    it's supposed to be). The real question is whether you want
    validation to tell you if it's MAYBE ok, or do you want validation to
    tell you that it's DEFINITELY ok. There are two types that are an
    exception in this regard, and that's WOApplication and WOSession.
    WOApplication and WOSession actually compute a SUBclass hierarchy
    instead of the SUPERclass hierarchy, because as it turns out nearly
    100% of the time you don't mean "WOApplication" or "WOSession" as the
    return value of application. or session. would lead static analysis to
    believe. But this works out better, because nearly ever time there is
    only a single subclass of WOSession or WOApplication, so it sort of
    works out. This can actually be tripped up, though. You can see it
    if you declare two WOSession subclasses in your reachable package tree
    for the project -- it has no idea which one it should use, so you get
    combined results, which means validation can lie in this. This would
    be the problem ALL the time if we did this on every type. A simple
    example of this is a method that returns NSArray. Allowing any subtype
    to be valid would mean that validation would show NSMutableArray
    methods as valid on an NSArray, which would be an example of what you
    would want validation to catch instead of allow.

    There's this constant struggle in the validation code ... KVC is
    typeless and really loose and Java is very strict. Trying to find the
    balance that allows the expressiveness of WO/KVC but also provides
    some semblance of type-safety is very tricky. There are tons of
    configuration tweaks, though, so you can tweak quite a bit of this
    behavior. I could maybe make "consider subtypes valid", but it's
    actually a substantial performance cost to enable this, because
    computing a subtree is way more expensive than a supertree (you can
    imagine -- supertree just walks the explicitly listed names back up vs
    hunting across every reachable type). Incidentally, this same thing
    happens when people write KVC (or component references) in a framework
    that don't resolve until runtime (like referring to a component that
    doesn't exist except in the app). All I can say is that validation
    shows you red flags and code smells. They may be sort of common
    behaviors, but they're not SAFE behaviors, and validation is trying to
    keep you safe.


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