Re: WOD errors

From: Q (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 18:16:41 EDT

  • Next message: Art Isbell: "Re: WOD errors"

    On 15/03/2008, at 7:49 AM, Art Isbell wrote:

    > On Mar 13, 2008, at 11:58 PM, Q wrote:
    >> I think wolips is right in marking this as being unable to
    >> validate. Your return type for is _Bar, not Bar, so it
    >> does not have a baz() method. If the only way to access
    >> is, as you say, with an unsafe type case then you
    >> should expect to need to add a //VALID statement.
    > In Java, what is an alternative to an unsafe type cast?

    The alternative is type safety.

    > Use reflection to check whether returns an app.Bar type?
    > If so, send app.Bar a baz() message, but if not, throw an exception,
    > etc.?

    Declare an empty or abstract baz() method in the _Bar class so that
    the method always exists, only the implementation varies between Bar
    and _Bar (this may or may not be useful, I can't tell because of the
    obfuscated names we are using) No need for reflection.

    >> Wolips does static analysis using type information, if your key
    >> path cannot be expressed without type casts wolips cannot validate
    >> it. That doesn't mean WO can't resolve it at runtime, only that it
    >> cannot be validated using static analysis.
    > Kind of a pain when one uses an extensive class hierarchy. Adding
    > "// VALID" certainly does nothing to improve safety, but it is a
    > pain to go through many WOD's that have worked without error for
    > years when under Xcode/WOB.

    It's not that the WODs won't work this way, or need to be changed,
    it's simply that your use of the class hierarchy makes validating the
    bindings at compile time ambiguous.

    > Seems like other than "// VALID", the only workaround would be to
    > add a baz() method to foo() that does the introspection check, and
    > then change the binding to foo.baz.

    Add a baz() method to _Bar

    >> Use //VALID or change your return type of to Bar instead
    >> of _Bar
    > I wonder what would happen if I put database._Bar in a different
    > package from database.Bar and renamed it database.base.Bar. Would
    > that trick the binding validator?

    I don't think it would help.

    > Aloha,
    > Art


    Quinton Dolan - Gold Coast, QLD, Australia (GMT+10) Ph: +61 419 729 806

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