Re: WOD errors

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 18:56:01 EDT

  • Next message: William Hatch: "Re: updated wonder source, build path issues"

    > You may recognize the database.Bar/database._Bar pattern as that
    > generated from an eomodel by (Java)EOGenerator. _Bar isn't supposed
    > to be modified. And I can't (easily) modify database.Bar because it
    > is produced and maintained by others.
    And this is a good illustration of the problem ... if you're extending
    a class that's maintained by someone else, then you're at risk for
    getting stuck here, because some day someone might hand your code an
    instance of the superclass and your code is binding to a method that
    the superclass doesn't have. Now if your code KNOWS that it can only
    receive your custom subclass, then you should make your parameter and
    return types make that knowledge explicit so the type system can
    enforce it.

    > Extension of base classes to add functionality is a principal
    > feature of O-O design. If one had absolutely no access to the base
    > class (very common), one couldn't add abstract/empty methods to the
    > base class in order to extend the base class in a safe manner. So
    > your solution doesn't seem like a very general one.
    No, you don't have to. But it is NOT that case that Bar's superentity
    provides that method, even if all of your subclasses do (unless you
    add that method to the supertype or make it declare an additional
    interface). What WOULD make it true is for all of your subclasses to
    implement a common interface and methods that refer to that type
    require/vend that particular interface. The other option is to have
    all of your custom subclasses extend your own common subclass
    (basically make an abstract stub entity that they extend) and declare
    THAT entity to have the baz() method.


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