WOLips Community Installer

From: Jeremy Matthews (jeremymatthew..ac.com)
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 23:29:36 EDT

  • Next message: Archibald Singleton: "Re: updated wonder source, build path issues"

    To all WebObjects/Eclipse/WOLips users....

    The WOLips community installer has (finally) been declared Gold Master!

    The package (as in mac-based) installer includes the following

    - Eclipse 3.3.2
    - WOLips (stable rev)
    - JavaEOGenerator
    - EOGenerator Templates
    - Launchd scripts to autolaunch wotaskd and JavaMonitor upon boot
    - Wonder Frameworks (as in pure frameworks)
    - Wonder Framework Jars (in case you prefer the embedded kind...)
    - Wonder api docs
    - Wonder RuleModeler
    - jadlipse
    - Standalone Entity Modeler
    - Frontbase Database + JDBC adaptor + Management Apps + Autostart
    - Uninstaller

    This Package requires:
      - Around 350MB disk space
    - 10.5.2+
    - Xcode 3.0+ Developer Tools

    You can download it at:

    http://sisuworks.com/files/WOLips.zip (faster but fewer links available)
      (slower but more links available)

    Please send any bugs or enhancement requests my way....(I wouldn't be
    surprised if 10.5 Packagemaker snuck something in there...)


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Fri Mar 14 2008 - 23:30:39 EDT