Re: Can't open workspace

From: Chuck Hill (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2008 - 16:04:34 EDT

  • Next message: Xavier Destombes: "Re: Can't open workspace"

    On Mar 17, 2008, at 12:54 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >>> It seems to work, but now I can't make my project compile because
    >>> it looks like the frameworks in /User (53) have a higher priority
    >>> than the ones in /Library (Wonder ones)...
    >>> And I can't make them behave like the ones in /System...
    >>> Xavier... lost
    >> Put them in /Library then, but don't copy JavaWebObjects. I have
    >> all of my frameworks (including Wonder) installed in ~/Library/
    >> Frameworks.
    > That doesn't seem right ... There is no difference between the ones
    > in System and frameworks being somewhere else. It's controlled
    > entirely by that setting. You're not doing
    > something right, but I don't know what.

    I think he means that it is loading the WO 5.3 JavaWOExtensions (which
    is what i meant to type above instead of JavaWebObjects) from ~/
    Library/Frameworks instead of the Wonder version that he has in /



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