Re: Prototype - Merge or don't Merge

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Fri May 23 2008 - 14:09:57 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: Prototype - Merge or don't Merge"

    > When I have more than one Prototypes model in my application one
    > specifying an EOJDBCPrototypes entity and my own a more specific
    > one, I have the problem, that they are merged in one list for the
    > prototypes popup - and therefore it's not obvious from where the
    > prototypes are.
    > What do you think about that: should they maybe get grouped by their
    > origin? That would make it easier for people who have their own
    > prototypes but also need to include ERPrototypes.
    > Mike, is there a way for doing that in Eclipse? What do you think?
    I would log a request for this ... I don't know how hard (or possible)
    it is to do a grouping in that drop-down, or what weird UI quirks we
    would have to workaround. How are you even making more than one
    prototype entity while also using ERPrototypes, since entity/model
    names have to be unique?


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