Re: Apple Maven Support: First Impression

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2008 - 16:27:16 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Apple Maven Support: First Impression (Take 2)"

    On 12/06/2008, at 6:15 PM, Q wrote:

    > On 12/06/2008, at 1:36 PM, Henrique Prange wrote:
    >> 1) You have to make this configuration for every WO project. Why not
    >> using the settings.xml?
    > Because that's not really what the plugin is intended for.

    My guess:
    - user friendliness
    - better if it was optional and you could set a global preference

    >> 3) This feature should be (and I think it will be) addressed by
    >> m2eclipse. There is a high probability of this effort turns into
    >> waste
    >> of time in a near future.
    > I will probably use it to test nightlies, even if it's using mvn on
    > the command line and not using the plugin. I don't intend to use
    > maven to build *real* project though.

    Aww ;-)

    >> 4) Creates an unnecessary profile.xml file.

    it's a starting point, no? Additional project templates could be

    >> Before I forget, the wizards are very cool. :) It makes the startup
    >> for new users smoother.

    Yes indeed.

    >> I want to contribute to this effort to make Maven integrate better
    >> with WebObjects and WOLips. But it is difficult without information
    >> and planning. Can anyone share some details about the subject?
    > Keep in mind this is the WO dev team's way of providing us with a
    > way to *TEST NIGHTLY BUILDS* of webobjects, it's not intended as a
    > new way to build production WO apps. At least that is my
    > understanding of the situation.

    Yeah, unless there's milestones included in these nightlies, and not
    just snapshots, it'll be hard to pin any app down to (or roll back if
    necessary), any particular version.

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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