Re: Maven Skepticism

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2008 - 19:50:17 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: how SHOULD it look"

    Henrique, if you can chime in here that'd be great! :-)

    On 02/07/2008, at 9:11 AM, Pierce T. Wetter III wrote:

    > Ok, so we have this really sucky build system based on cloning
    > generic.xml from Wonder circa 2005 or so. It gives me the willies,
    > because it means that the deployment builds are built with something
    > different then the development builds.
    > So I thought, well, this maven stuff seems to be hip and happening.
    > I mean, Apple's providing nightly builds (which don't seem to be
    > nightly? No update since June 10th?). I only really want one
    > feature, which is to be able to work without thinking about the
    > deployment build in Eclipse, but then have the deployment build
    > match the Eclipse build.
    > A few Eclipse plugin installs later...
    > Supposedly, you can build the Wonder sources with maven. According
    > to build.txt, you just have to do:
    > mvn --non-recursive org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:maven-
    > wobootstrap-plugin::bootstrap
    > Nope:
    > [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > [INFO] Required goal not found:
    > org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:maven-wobootstrap-plugin::bootstrap
    > There's more steps in Build.txt, but they reference Common, which no
    > longer exists in Wonder, so they don't work either.
    > So that's kind of discouraging.
    > Could someone tell me something encouraging about Maven?

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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