Re: auto completions not working (html)

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 07:51:05 EDT

  • Next message: Henrique Prange: "Re: auto completions not working (html)"

    > Yes I've checked the Error View. There was the following error
    > repeated numerous times (but didn't look wolips related):
    > java.lang.NullPointerException
    If MavenBuilder is throwing an exception (and during autobuild), it's
    very possible your project isn't actually building, which could be
    impacting type resolution, or who knows what ... I would never assume
    that just because it's not an org.objectstyle error that it's not
    related. It's possible it isn't, but if this exception is only
    happening for this project and not the others, then it would be a
    pretty likely candidate to me.


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