Re: auto completions not working (html)

From: Henrique Prange (
Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 08:53:56 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: auto completions not working (html)"

    Hi Mike,

    I have the same problem here. I also use Maven, but no problems with the
    MavenBuilder. When I try to auto complete something on WOComponent
    Editor I hear the default sound for "something wrong happened". There
    is no log in Error Log or Console. :(



    Mike Schrag wrote:
    >> Yes I've checked the Error View. There was the following error
    >> repeated numerous times (but didn't look wolips related):
    >> java.lang.NullPointerException
    > If MavenBuilder is throwing an exception (and during autobuild), it's
    > very possible your project isn't actually building, which could be
    > impacting type resolution, or who knows what ... I would never assume
    > that just because it's not an org.objectstyle error that it's not
    > related. It's possible it isn't, but if this exception is only
    > happening for this project and not the others, then it would be a pretty
    > likely candidate to me.
    > ms

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