Re: ClassPath Order (NewHotness)

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2008 - 01:54:39 EDT

  • Next message: Oliver Scheel: "Re: Accessing eomodel docs in veogen?"

    On 09/09/2008, at 10:47 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >> If I add ERExtensions to a project and push it above WebObjects, it
    >> still tells me that NSArray is not generic. However, if I just add
    >> ERExtensions as Projects (because I have them linked to my
    >> workspace), and push the projects above WO Frameworks, the
    >> ERExtensions generics NSArray, etc are picked up and errors go
    >> away ......
    > Hmm .. if you push ERExtensions framework up above WOOgnl, does it
    > fix the problem? This is a tricky thing and related to the depth
    > first vs breadth first stuff. If WOOgnl depends on WO, then WO will
    > end up loading (transitively) in eclipse before ERX, and therefore
    > will not be generic.

    Perhaps you could fix this by always appending transitive dependencies
    (as a set) to the end of the list.

    > If you push ERX up above it, it will win. I should make the
    > reordering thing explicitly push ERX up to the first item in the
    > wonder libs list as part of the conversion .... This is really only
    > an issue because ERX actually overrides classes in WO. If packages
    > were non-overlapping, this wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue.

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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