Re: ClassPath Order (NewHotness)

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2008 - 09:35:46 EDT

  • Next message: Marc Respass: "WOBootstrap missing in latest (3.4.5469)?"

    > Well the classpath needs to be the same for compile-time as for
    > runtime (or at least the runtime classpath is equal to or extends
    > the compile-time classpath) to ensure the correct ordering.
    I wasn't clear, but I agree.

    >> If it's pre-launch, then we also have to maintain that list all the
    >> time (which is kind of tricky -- is it there because you added it
    >> or is it there because it was a transitive dep -- if it's
    >> transitive, then we need to only remove it if it's gone from all
    >> the frameworks that contain it recursively).
    > i.e., you end up with two TreeSets (declaredDependencies,
    > transitiveDependencies) and the resulting set is the union of the two.
    Which is sooooort of what happens when you launch, except that the
    classpath is already flattened and I back into this.

    > (at the risk of going out on a limb) perhaps instead of rewriting
    > something, you could reuse something like these:
    >, woproject-maven2...
    Awesome! At last there won't be any confusion at all for WOLips
    users ...


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