Re: dependency changes

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Nov 06 2008 - 19:59:04 EST

  • Next message: Henrique Prange: "Re: dependency changes"

    > Let's see if I'm following you.
    > Let's say I have an application A that uses framework X.
    > And let's say framework X depends on frameworks Y and Z.
    > Then I have to make sure that my application A, links against all
    > three of them: X, Y and Z ?
    > Did I get it right? :-)

    > If I only link against framework X, will the application break at
    > run-time or at compile-time?
    It depends on precisely how you depend on the Y and Z. The framework
    will actually have the dependency, so if your app doesn't directly use
    the framework, you won't see the problem until runtime. For instance,
    if you have a framework that depends on ERTaggable, the framework will
    be linked to ERTaggable and will thus compile. When you your app,
    though, ERTaggable will NOT be in the runtime classpath and it will
    break. If, however, your application depends on calling API of a
    nested dependency, you would get a compile-time error.


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