Re: dependency changes

From: Chuck Hill (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2008 - 17:14:15 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: dependency changes"

    On Nov 10, 2008, at 2:08 PM, Henrique Prange wrote:

    > Hi Mike,
    > Mike Schrag wrote:
    >>>> Which would require jar-based frameworks, but jar-based
    >>>> frameworks don't support nested jars.
    >>> Why do you need a nested jar? If you have a description of
    >>> transitive dependencies, couldn't you just download everything
    >>> required to build the project and put it together? Do you have a
    >>> use case where this solution doesn't work?
    >> An issue of perspective, I suppose ... There's something nice about
    >> being able to distribute a framework that has its dependencies
    >> packaged nicely inside of it. I recognize there are definitely
    >> potential conflict issues with this, though.
    > Sure. I agree with you. I've seen a discussion in another mailing list
    > about the same subject (separated jars or all-in-one). Most people
    > seems
    > to prefer the one package solution, even knowing about the possible
    > problems it causes. I believe those people are not familiar with
    > dependency management mechanisms. But I agree we should provide a
    > solution that support both.
    >>>> Q has a WOBootstrap that does, but we're still talking about
    >>>> changing the way a large number of people deploy their apps. Not
    >>>> to mention we have to then integrate Ivy with WOLips, not to
    >>>> mention it has to work in Eclipse also.
    >>> What about IvyDE [2]? Maybe it can solve almost all of your
    >>> problems. :) (Again, I've never used this tool).
    >> :) Always just a dance -- balancing wheel reinvention against nice
    >> integration. It's often really hard to integrate these separate
    >> tools in effectively. Our HTML editor is a great example of this.
    >> There are like 10 HTML editor plugins for Eclipse, but it wasn't
    >> until we slurped it in and hacked the hell out of it that we got
    >> (well, are getting) an experience that doesn't suck. I'm also
    >> always mindful of new people coming to the platform. Eclipse
    >> plugin management is a very confusing thing for people, and to the
    >> extent that we can minimize dependencies of the tools, I think we
    >> end up with a smoother deployment process. I appreciate the VERY
    >> fine line between this and madness, though.
    > Sure. Keep it simple is the rule. Often, reuse something doesn't mean
    > less work. I agree with you in this point too. Sometimes it is
    > easier to
    > make our own solution and solve only the problems that must be solved.
    >>>> That and I'm not even really sold on jar frameworks, though the
    >>>> better split install build.xml makes it slightly better I guess.
    >>>> I still come back to "make it easy for people" .... Ivy's
    >>>> certainly an option, and I'm not at all
    >>>> ruling it out, but I'm always sort of skeptical of the final
    >>>> result of these things actually being a better experience for
    >>>> endusers of the system.
    >>> I'm not trying to sell Ivy or Maven Ant Tasks, because I have
    >>> never used any of them. But I'm a long time Maven user. I cannot
    >>> imagine how people can develop nowadays without a good tool for
    >>> dependency management. And when I say dependency management, I
    >>> mean all dependencies of a project. Not only WO frameworks. If I
    >>> was an Ant user, I'll prefer to have a complete solution for the
    >>> dependency management problem, even if I have some trouble to
    >>> learn it in the beginning.
    >> The problem is that all these tools suck ... The ramp up time is
    >> totally obnoxious. I feel like I'm a reasonably smart dude, and
    >> every time people start explaining Maven, my eyes glaze over. I'm
    >> sure once you get over the hump it does its job quite well, but WO
    >> itself is so complicated that I think we really need to focus on
    >> making the "zero state" of the tools help the process, and telling
    >> people they need to understand Ivy or Maven dependency management
    >> in order to deploy their apps is this huge uphill battle we shove
    >> into the experience. I don't have a good answer to all these
    >> issues .... I mean, I really don't want to reinvent Maven (or Ivy),
    >> but on the flip side, I want WebObjects developers to both be able
    >> to start working relatively easily as well as support power users.
    >> Oh well ...
    > I don't want to create problems neither for you nor for WO users.
    > And I'm not saying using those tools will be the best way. But I
    > still think it is worth evaluating existing solutions. "Forcing"
    > people to use a tool is not evil if we provide good reasons (and
    > good integration). Someone chose Eclipse as IDE, Ant as the build
    > tool, Java as programming language.. And nobody is complain about
    > those decisions.

    Actually... I recall a LOT of complaints about all three of those


    > For those who don't want to make their environment complex, there is
    > always the simplified option: "you can still develop, but you have
    > to take care of dependencies and transitive dependencies
    > manually"... This is exactly how things work now. And you have
    > already provided a way to reduce the gap between dependencies
    > declared for development and those really packaged on deployment.
    > Sorry if I'm bothering you with this subject... I promise this is
    > the last e-mail. :)
    > Cheers,
    > Henrique

    Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

    Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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