Re: Documentation on Maven Archetypes

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Mon Nov 17 2008 - 15:13:49 EST

  • Next message: James Cicenia: "I am stumped after converting a project to FB layout"

    On 17/11/2008, at 10:31 PM, Juergen Lorenz Simon wrote:

    > I've been trying to get Maven integration up for some projects. I
    > found a few
    > rough edges in the documentation, especially the Wiki.

    Feel free to contribute where applicable.

    > When following the route given,

     From where or whom?

    > I was not able to generate archetypes. Here are a few things I
    > had to change, in order to make this work:
    > - The archetype:create goal is deprecated. archetype:generate seems
    > to be the valid command now.

    I can only see a reference to archetype:create on the wiki for a
    deprecated plugin (which I've just adjusted)... but otherwise I can't
    see on our wiki a reference to using archetype:create(?)

    > - After adding the archetypes to the archetype-catalog.xml, I was
    > unable to
    > create projects from archetypes. I found out, that i need to add a
    > repository
    > (not just pluginRepository) to the .m2/settings.xml.

    No. This is only needed in your project's pom file (which can be
    better as it's kept within your version control). Maven doesn't need
    to know about your repositories - though there's no harm in doing so -
    for you to be able to generate the project AFAIK.

    > And in the bottom section of my settings.xml, I found the following
    > section
    > where something needed adding:
    > <activeProfiles>
    > <activeProfile>xwiki</activeProfile>
    > <activeProfile>webobjects</activeProfile>
    > </activeProfiles>

    Where'd you get that from?

    > - The archetype-catalog.xml attached to the following wiki page:
    > states 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT as version. I had to change the version to
    > 2.0.16

    I've updated that. Thanks.

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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