Re: WOLips perhaps not building...

From: Ray Kiddy (
Date: Tue Nov 25 2008 - 14:02:24 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: WOLips perhaps not building..."

    On Nov 25, 2008, at 5:04 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >>>>> And then the diff below. After all, are JProfiler and Maven
    >>>>> required to use WOLips? I would suggest not. And if somebody
    >>>>> wants to build WOLips in the usual way, they can do nothing and
    >>>>> the default is to require JProfiler and Maven. Not everyone
    >>>>> needs to use these.
    >>>> They aren't required to use WOLips, but they are required to
    >>>> build a valid site deployment when using the ant builds. Eclipse
    >>>> can for some reason get very confused if there are plugins
    >>>> listed in the site.xml but are missing from the output, even if
    >>>> you don't explicitly try and install them.
    >>>> I almost never build wolips locally using ant. Exporting the
    >>>> modified plugin or feature from eclipse is pretty simple
    >>>> (although doing so does mess with the ant build files).
    >>> So are you saying I should NOT apply this patch?
    >> What am I saying? I am saying that I think this change may turn
    >> out to be unnecessary considering a) you can build and export the
    >> individual plugin(s) from within eclipse and b) (a) is not
    >> obvious. If using this method is a more favourable solution to
    >> what ray way trying to do then great, if not then I is no harm in
    >> applying the patch.

    > This seems pretty benign, and I suppose if you want to build your
    > own personal full build while leaving out plugins that have 3rd
    > party dependencies, I'm ok with this. So Ray, does this actually
    > install from the generated install site even with those plugins
    > missing?

    I am able to install WOLips from the generated install site, even
    though I do not have/use Maven or JProfile.

    I have two simple changes I wanted to suggest. The first was that I
    wanted to suggest we allow <wo:field /> an addition to <wo:textfield /
    > and such as that and I made an edit to wolips/core/plugins/
    preferences/ to support this. The second
    was the build.xml changes that would allow me to build.

    But, I cannot uninstall the WOLips that I have, so I cannot install a
    copy of WOLips that I have built, so I would not suggest taking any
    code from me, as it would be untested.

    So, I am only going to worry about the first thing first, and get
    myself to a point where I can uninstall the site-generated and
    install my own. It would be wonderful if I could uninstall the site-
    generated WOLips, install my own, then uninstall my own, and re-
    install the site-generated WOLips. It does not sound as though this
    would be possible.

    Are the WOLips version numbers only an integer? If I am understanding
    the wiki documentation, there is no way to creagte an intermediate or
    temporary version number that would conflice with a subsequent
    version number. This seems lame. O well.

    cheers - ray

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