Re: WOLips perhaps not building...

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Tue Nov 25 2008 - 14:07:50 EST

  • Next message: Ray Kiddy: "Re: WOLips perhaps not building..."

    > I have two simple changes I wanted to suggest. The first was that I
    > wanted to suggest we allow <wo:field /> an addition to
    > <wo:textfield /> and such as that and I made an edit to wolips/core/
    > plugins/org.objectstyle.wolips.bindings/java/org/objectstyle/wolips/
    > bindings/preferences/ to support this. The
    > second was the build.xml changes that would allow me to build.
    If this is already in WOTagRegistry in WOOgnl, then yeah .. If not, it
    would need to be added there, too.

    > But, I cannot uninstall the WOLips that I have, so I cannot install
    > a copy of WOLips that I have built, so I would not suggest taking
    > any code from me, as it would be untested.
    Just make a second Eclipse install, or more accurately, you should run
    in=>Eclipse Workspace to test with -- trying to test by doing an
    actual install is the way of madness. PDE development works really
    well, and you get hot code replace, etc.

    > Are the WOLips version numbers only an integer? If I am
    > understanding the wiki documentation, there is no way to creagte an
    > intermediate or temporary version number that would conflice with a
    > subsequent version number. This seems lame. O well.
    Eclipse plugin versions can be anything. I don't know the exact
    precedence, but I believe you can add extra strings to that. Whether
    our build files let you do that, though, is another issue entirely.
    But you can see lots of eclipse plugins in your plugins folder that do
    non-numeric version numbers.


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