Uhm, new hotness?

From: Stamenkovic Florijan (flor38..ac.com)
Date: Fri Jan 02 2009 - 10:28:06 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Uhm, new hotness?"

    Hi all,

    Switched to Leopard full time, finally. 10.5.6. Installed latest
    Eclipse: 3.4.1. Installed WOLips stable: 3.3.5594 (Eclipse update from http://webobjects.mdimension.com/wolips/stable)
    . Assuming that's where the new hotness is. And: well, I created a new
    WO framework project to check out the changes to build.xml, and it
    still references old ANT includesfiles, so I guess it's not the new
    hotness. Uhm, didn't it go stable, or am I doing something wrong, or???


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