WOLips Component editor

From: My GMAIL (john.ruggentale..mail.com)
Date: Fri Jan 16 2009 - 14:33:21 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: WOLips Component editor"

    I am trying to edit a component using Component Editor. Component
    Editor modifies the component automatically when opened. If I close
    the component without making any changes the "Do you want to save
    changes" dialog pops up. If accept the changes the component throws
    exceptions at runtime. The component editor seems to be having
    problems with the WOO file. Component editor deletes all the display
    groups after the first display group causing the app to fail at
    runtime. Any idea what's wrong? Below is the console warning before
    editing the component.

    Description Resource Path Location Type
            TicketEdit.woo Mohawk/Components/TicketEdit.wo Unknown WebObjects
    Template Problems

    Eclipse version Version: 3.4.1
    WOLips version: 3.4.5521

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Fri Jan 16 2009 - 14:34:10 EST