Re: WOLips can't load prototypes from jar anymore

From: Andrew Lindesay (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2009 - 15:11:14 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: WOLips can't load prototypes from jar anymore"

    Hello Henrique;

    (Cross posted to wo list in case others are having troubles)

    I don't have an answer for you, but this background may help... There
    was a problem in WO 5.4.2 (maybe earlier) with loading models from
    "jar" frameworks because WO put a "//" into the path somewhere. I
    registered a bug (early-mid 2008) and it was patched it in 5.4.3 as
    far as I know. Lachlan and I worked on the wolips-side patch for this
    (WOL-762 I think) and I think it has been applied -- Mike? I think
    Lachlan and I also got Mike to put in a patch for finding the ".api"
    files in jar frameworks sometime mid 2008 as well.

    I'm still not on the new hotness (shame on me), but I will try do this
    soon so I can check it.


    > jar:file:/Users/hprange/.m2/repository/wonder/core/ERPrototypes/
    > 5.0.0-20081208/ERPrototypes-5.0.0-20081208.jar!/Resources/
    > erprototypes.eomodeld/index.eomodeld
    > is not a File.
    > Is this expected or is it a regression?

    Andrew Lindesay

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