Re: New WOLips is Stable

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2009 - 09:41:56 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: r5654 - trunk/woproject/wolips/core/plugins/org.objectstyle.wolips.eomodeler/java/org/objectstyle/wolips/eomodeler/editors"

    >>> So what if we continue on nightly? Is it going through changes not
    >>> recommended for production use? Can you warns us in advance if
    >>> that's the case?
    >> If you are using nightly you should subscribe to the woproject-
    >> commits mailing list, this will let you know exactly what's being
    >> changed in nightly so you can make an informed decision before
    >> updating.
    > Thanks, I dit that. But I was in fact curious if there are any
    > changes planed that would make it unsuitable (for a while)?
    The point of the nightly build is that it can be unsuitable for
    production at any time. If this is a concern, just don't update,
    though. You're effectively on the stable build right now if you don't


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