Re: WOLips Development prefs

From: Jephte CLAIN (
Date: Fri Feb 06 2009 - 07:09:57 EST

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: WOLips Development prefs"

    Mike Schrag a écrit :
    >> There is also the case where you have frameworks shared between
    >> several project types: why should the framework modeled after wolips
    >> way if it has to be used and/or *maintained* elsewhere?
    > Use binary frameworks with src jars in them if you're not maintaining
    > the source in WOLips.

    you mean like ProjectWonder frameworks:

       |__ Resources
       | \__ Java
       | |-- MyFramework.jar
       | \__ src.jar
       \__ WebServerResources
             \__ ...

    I could build my frameworks with this structure indeed.

    But if I add this framework to a wolips project, is src.jar
    automatically filtered from the list of jars the framework provide? I
    guess I have to omit src.jar from the NSJavaPath property of Info.plist

    >> At least for frameworks, I vote for configurability.
    >> For applications, I agree that conventions wins over configuration.
    > You're really voting for "configurability enough to make YOUR frameworks
    > work."

    Yes, indeed. But I guess other might have the same needs.

       The general case of "configurability" is a huge nightmare,
    > because people make crazy project layouts. If we need to know which
    > folders contain Components, in the Maven and FBL type, this is very easy
    > to answer. Once you remove that restriction, it becomes a huge pain. Do
    > you have one top level Components folder? Do you have 10? Maybe you
    > put your components next to your java files in your source tree -- the
    > old patternset approach would technically allow this to happen, but as a
    > result, the tools have a very difficult time making reasonable guesses
    > about defaults, etc.
    >> PS: my current application/project have two webobjects specific
    >> frameworks, that I changed to match the wolips way, as I have chosen
    >> wolips over my previous build tools. But it depends also on 6 other
    >> frameworks that are not webobjects specific.
    > I'm not sure I follow what you mean ... You have frameworks that aren't
    > WO-specific? I'm guessing you're using the term "framework" loosely
    > here?

    I use "framework" to mean "library". But I'd like that library to be
    built as a WebObjects framework, so I use the term "framework".

      Do you just mean you have a project dependency that isn't a WO
    > framework at all (i.e. just ends up as a regular java jar?)?

    Yes. The libraries are used by command line tools, by JEE applications
    and by WebObjects applications.

       If you
    > don't have Components and WebServerResources and all the things that
    > make a framework a Framework, then you would link to it just like any
    > other Java Project (just add a project dependency).

    Yes, but the generated
    App.woa/Contents/{MacOS,UNIX,Windows}/*ClassPath*.txt are wrong (they do
    not include the lines for the frameworks I build for these libraries.)

       You'll need to
    > either use something like Maven or add some custom ant build steps to
    > get the jars in a place that your WO app can use them, but the current
    > WOLips doesn't provide anything specific for this either. I link
    > against non-WO frameworks without any problems.

    I'd like something that means "build this java project as a webobjects
    framework, and link to it like a webobjects framework, even though it
    looks like a plain old java project"

    You're right, the solution for now is to add custom ant build steps
    (This is what I do), but I'd like the wolips builder to handle this
    situation as well.

    Am I the only one to work like this? (share libraries between several
    projects types) What do you think?

    with best regards,
    jephté clain

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