Re: WOLips Development prefs

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Fri Feb 06 2009 - 08:25:59 EST

  • Next message: Jephte CLAIN: "Re: WOLips Development prefs"

    > I feel like doing it. But I don't have the time for the moment. I
    > have modified Wolips just enough to include some process I used in
    > my ant scripts.
    Inside of Eclipse I don't see why this would be necessary at all ...
    If it's a regular Java project, then you don't have Resources/
    WebServerResources, so just link to it. I can't think of any reason
    you would need custom Eclipse plugins for anything you've described so
    far. And if you need to call ant to do something in your build
    process, just use the Ant Builder in Eclipse instead of the
    Incremental Builder.

    >> The main focus of the wolips team, thus far at least, has been with
    >> providing a great set of tools for development purposes. When you
    >> need more than this, i.e., when you're in need of more advanced
    >> builds, you need to look at incorporating tools that focus on build/
    >> deployment needs, I suggest. It looks like you're already meeting
    >> this goal in some part.
    > This is exactly what I needed: a description of the purpose of wolips.
    > I understand now that WOLips is and will be for *development* needs,
    > and that I should use ant for build/deployment
    WOLips is the eclipse plugins, "woproject" is a set of ant tasks that
    was the beginning of the WOLips project that are designed to help
    construct applications and frameworks.


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