Re: wocomponent wizard preview

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2009 - 12:00:33 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: wocomponent wizard preview"

    > Are you thinking of using this for templates? e.g. No Content, Full
    > Page, My Custom Template etc?

      for most of the nitty gritty (the same underlying system is being
    used here)

    ProjectTemplate pt =
    ProjectTemplate.loadProjectTemplateNamed("Component Templates",
    loads a template named "WOComponent" from the template folder "Custom
    Templates" -- this will look inside the templateengine plugin for
    defaults, but also supports the same overrides as Project Templates --
    this is the generalization of it, basically. You can also enumerate
    the templates available in the "Component Templates" group, which will
    be the combination of builtins + overrides.

    pt.addInput(new ProjectInput("name", ProjectInput.Type.String));
    if you don't declare a template.xml with variables in it (you can also
    use TemplateInputsWizardPage, though I think for components I wouldn't
    bother supporting this), you can explicitly add custom project inputs
    -- the most obvious being a "name" for the component.

    pt.setValueForInputNamed("SomeName", "name");
    then you can also programmatically set the value of inputs

    InstallTemplateOperation top = new InstallTemplateOperation(pt,
    project, targetFolder);
    new ProgressMonitorDialog(getShell()).run(false, false, top);
    and finally install the template ... this installs the given template
    into the targetFolder within the given project. You get top level
    access to that targetFolder, so if your template has a test.html in
    it, it will end up as targetFolder/test.html ... In the case of a
    bundle component, your template would like have a __name__.wo folder
    in it. For an html component, it would just be __name__.html and
    would appear at the top level.

    so rough overview:
    1) make a couple built in component template formats -- bundle, single
    file, etc, and put them in something like templateengine/
    ComponentTemplates (it looks for w/ and w/o the space inside the plugin)
    2) make your combo box of templates based on the
    loadProjectTemplates("Component Templates")
    3) decide on a couple hard-coded variable names that component will
    use (for first version at least) and set those in code
    4) execute the template op (it doesn't have to be a progress dialog --
    there are lots of ways to execute a workspace modify op)
    5) profit from custom component templates

    The cool thing with this, which is also nice w/ the project templates,
    is that you can just drop your own custom ones into the Library/App
    Support/WOLips/Component Templates folder, or even override the built-
    in ones, and they will appear in the picker. I actually think this
    system, or something like it, should be built into Eclipse, because it
    makes it so much easier to make codeless custom templates (ala Xcode).


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