maven archetype creating correctly?

From: Mr. G Brown (
Date: Thu Jul 23 2009 - 20:16:47 EDT

  • Next message: Martino Limido: "Eclipse 3.5 - Very Slow Build Time"


    Is the archetype creating things correctly?

    I just created a demo.war.warnowonder project, with the 2.0.17
    archetype via m2eclipse and wo 5.3.3 and no wonder, and war support.

    I get:

    Now the wo components are not part of the resources that get packaged
    up in the war; I can't find the Main.wo component anywhere in the war.
    if one does : mvn clean package, one gets a Info.plist and Properties
    and the java classes, that is all:

    Also, when one creates a new component, it's java file gets put right
    under src/ -- not in the component package.

    the pom:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xsi:schemaLocation="http://">
            <name>warnowonder WebObjects Application</name>

                    <!-- properties used for filtering and dependency management -->



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