Re: Info.plist generated in project root

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed Aug 19 2009 - 02:03:00 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: NPE..IDEProjectWOLips.bundlePathURL"

    On 19/08/2009, at 3:18 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >> for a fwk
    >> -----------------------
    >> #Wed Aug 27 01:47:56 EST 2008
    >> principalClass=our.fwk.Principal
    > this is the old way ... in the new way, it would be
    > project.type=framework. I used to
    > automatically update this file and autoconvert the names, except
    > that some people use for other things and if you
    > rewrite it, it could break their build scripts. WOLips currently
    > supports both -- if you declare a non-empty it will be
    > used, otherwise it will use

    Okay - I tried populating but it seemed to have no effect
    on the name of the bundle in the build folder. No biggie.

    >>> q's right, though, somehow you're triggering the 5.6 variant of
    >>> the build system which no longer needs a build folder.
    >> Ooh. Interesting...
    > isn't it?

    Looking forward with anticipation... only question: does it require
    WO5.6 to make it work? (being two major revisions away) :-)
    (Not intending to open a can of worms)

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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