Maven Archetype's pom.xml :

From: Mr. G Brown (
Date: Sun Nov 08 2009 - 20:00:37 EST

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Maven Archetype's pom.xml :"

    Hi people,

    The maven archetype creates project pom.xmls which are not very
    portable or robust, because they don't refer to the repositories they
    need. And isn't that exactly what maven is supposed to be: A robust
    portable way to build projects?

      It would seem (from what little I've read) that to create projects
    which have a portable build, project specific things like special
    repositories (wocommunity) should be put in with the project. One
    should be able to hand the project pom.xml to somebody who doesn't
    know anything about webobjects and maven should be able to build it,
    shouldn't they?

    Currently the repositories are referenced in ,m2/settings.xml -- is
    that best? Shouldn't the archetypes put in the pom.xml the
    repositories needed to produce the wo-app?

    I'd be happy to put in a jira, what do you all think?


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