why the Component Editor is so un-helpful...

From: Ray Kiddy (ra..anymede.org)
Date: Mon Dec 14 2009 - 16:14:20 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: why the Component Editor is so un-helpful..."

    Hey -

    I figured out something about why I prefer modern syntax for wo
    components and why the Component Editor in WOLips is so un-helpful
    when I am editing old-style components. I have never, ever, ever seen
    the wod contents in the same pane as the html when I edit a wo.

    How is this happening? I would not be surprised, knowing me, if I set
    some flag a long, long time ago that disabled or broke something. I
    just cannot figure out what it is.

    So, for example, if I open the ERNeutralLook framework project in
    eclipse and open the ERNeutralLook.wo component, I see its html in the
    top part of the resulting pane. In the bar in the middle of that pane,
    I get flattened DOM structure of the selected element in the html. And
    below that brown bar I see nothing. Well, in very faint letters,
    basically white letters in a white background, I see "wod file is not
    empty." But I do not see its contents. See the pic below. Why not?

    I actually did not realize that I was supposed to see anything under
    there until, on a whim, I watched Pascal's podcast on the component
    editor. I mean, I thought I knew how to use the editor. Who knew.

    Well, there is actually one time I see something in the bottom part.
    If I click on one of the WO Element icons that appear in the toolbar
    when one is editing a wo, then I see the wod contents for that element
    in that lower half of the pane. But I have never actually used those
    icons either. Typing "<wo:str .. " is just not that difficult.

    So, how have I broken this? If I could double-click on a wo component
    and actually see the wod contents, I might actually not have to click
    on the wod in the 'Related' tab, get the content menu and open the wod
    file in the text editor. That would be so wonderful. Anyone have
    suggestions as to how I can make this work?

    thanx - ray

    So, where are the wod contents in this view?

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