Re: wolips preferences file

From: David Avendasora (
Date: Tue Dec 22 2009 - 10:38:12 EST

  • Next message: Kieran Kelleher: "Re: wolips preferences file"

    And you call my way "complex"?

    You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.



    On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

    > FYI, Just to followup on this.........
    > Well, it works, but the biggest PITA was the jumping thru hoops to assign a filepath-containing-spaces to a variable and then to feed it into awk. What a bunch of garbage. All because the "Application Support" dir has a stupid space in it. Also the trick is to convert the property names by replacing .'s, etc with underscores, otherwise bash balks. The result is that I get a bunch of shell variables defined as follows (when run in Linux for example) as a result of the WOLips properties workspace preference:
    > org_objectstyle_wolips_preference_AutoEOGenerateOnBuild=true
    > org_objectstyle_wolips_preference_CapureAntOutput=true
    > wo_apps_root=/var/wo533/Library/WebObjects/Applications
    > wo_bootstrapjar=/var/wo533/Library/WebObjects/JavaApplications/wotaskd.woa/WOBootstrap.jar
    > wo_extensions=/Library/WebObjects/NoExtensions
    > wo_local_frameworks=/var/wo533//Library/Frameworks
    > wo_local_root=/
    > wo_network_frameworks=/Network/Library/Frameworks
    > wo_network_root=/Network
    > wo_system_frameworks=/var/wo533/Library/Frameworks
    > wo_system_root=/var/wo533/System
    > wo_user_frameworks=/home/admin/Library/Frameworks
    > wo_user_root=/home/admin
    > Here is a little snippet from preflight portion of the script in case some other poor soul wants to incorporate such unstructured antiquated obscure twiddling with custom wolips props in workspace bash scripts! :-)
    > <snip>
    > ############# Begin Utility Functions #############
    > ## Works for scripts executed like this:
    > # ./
    > # /opt/scripts/
    > # ./mydir/scripts/anotherdir/
    > function script_dir {
    > CUR_WORKING_DIR=`pwd`
    > SCRIPT_EXEC_DIR=`dirname $0`
    > SCRIPT_DIR=`pwd`
    > ## go back to working dir
    > echo "$SCRIPT_DIR"
    > }
    > ## Get parent dir of a file or dir
    > # the arg can have a trailing / and it still works
    > function parent_dir {
    > FILE_TO_CHECK=$1
    > # Remove trailing / if exists
    > # Get parent dir
    > echo "$PARENT_DIR"
    > }
    > ## Gets eclipse workspace dir
    > ## looks for presence of a dir named ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime"
    > function eclipse_workspace {
    > # Get the script dir
    > WKSPACE_DIR=`script_dir`
    > while [ -z ${ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE} ]; do
    > # get parent dir
    > WKSPACE_DIR=`parent_dir $WKSPACE_DIR`
    > if [ -d "${WKSPACE_DIR}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime" ]; then
    > fi
    > done
    > }
    > ## reads in a java-style properties file, replacing non-alpha-digit-underscore characters in the property names with underscore
    > function read_properties_file {
    > # For both linux/osx compatability we need to use mktemp -t form and pick a reasonably unique name
    > TEMPFILE=$(mktemp -t "wolips.tmp."`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`)
    > cat ${1} | \
    > awk 'BEGIN { FS="="; } \
    > /^\#/ { print; } \
    > !/^\#/ { if (NF == 2) { n = $1; gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/,"_",n); print n "=\"" $2 "\""; } else { print; } }' \
    > >$TEMPFILE
    > source $TEMPFILE
    > rm $TEMPFILE
    > }
    > ############# End Utility Functions #############
    > # Read in the eclipse workspace wolips preferences file. It complains on two properties that we don't care about, but it successfully
    > # reads and sets the other properties
    > read_properties_file `eclipse_workspace`/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.objectstyle.wolips.preferences.prefs
    > # Stupidity because bash scripts cannot handle spaces in filenames in an efficient and effective way
    > # Google for 'bash filenames with spaces' and you will find this solution appears to be the only one
    > # This step is slow as molasses in OS X Tiger, but instantly fast in Linux - go figure
    > find "${HOME}/Library" -path "*/Application Support/WOLips*" -name "${org_objectstyle_wolips_wolipsPropertiesFile}" | while read WOLIPS_PROPERTIES_FILE; do
    > echo "processing $WOLIPS_PROPERTIES_FILE"
    > if [ -e "$WOLIPS_PROPERTIES_FILE" ]; then
    > # And because the awk function pukes if we quote the variable, we just ln this path-with-spaces
    > # to a temporary file path with no spaces and then proceed in the usual care-free scripting way
    > ln -sfF "$WOLIPS_PROPERTIES_FILE" /tmp/${org_objectstyle_wolips_wolipsPropertiesFile}
    > fi
    > done
    > read_properties_file /tmp/${org_objectstyle_wolips_wolipsPropertiesFile}
    > # Check if it worked
    > echo "wo_local_frameworks is ${wo_local_frameworks}"
    > </snip>
    > On Dec 21, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
    >> Good idea Jeremy. Made two clean workspaces with this property different in both and used diff tool.
    >> Turns out the value is in a plain Properties formatted file at:
    >> workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.objectstyle.wolips.preferences.prefs
    >> and the property is:
    >> org.objectstyle.wolips.wolipsPropertiesFile=<wolips_properties_file_name>
    >> Great ...... I can just grab the property from there and stuff it into ant build files and bash scripts. .... much better than David Avendasora's complex workaround on the wiki ;-)
    >> Regards, Kieran
    >> PS. Just kidding with ya David A. :-)
    >> On Dec 21, 2009, at 1:14 PM, Jeremy Matthews wrote:
    >>> Diffing tool?
    >>> -j
    >>> On Dec 21, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
    >>>> I have a bash script that runs relative to the workspace and I need to include the current wolips properties file by accessing the value as specified in Eclipse/Preferences/WOLips/Build/WOLips Properties File setting. I was expecting that this pref might be stored somewhere in the workspace's .metadata dir, but if it is I cannot find it..... any hints?
    >>>> -Kieran

    David Avendasora
    Senior Software Engineer
    K12, Inc.

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