Re: Eclipse 3.6..uppressWarnings changes

From: Marius Soutier (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2010 - 14:44:45 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Eclipse 3.6..uppressWarnings changes"

    > 3.6 cocoa is better, but still has performance problems. I'm still debating about what my plan will be here.

    Will there be a Carbon version? 3.5 Carbon is pretty fast, and neither version looks like a real Mac application. So I guess the only difference is that not all plug-ins work with the Carbon version (e.g. JD-Eclipse doesn't seem to work).

    > Personally, I don't turn off that warning because it punishes you for doing potentially bad things.

    Do you still have code that is not parametrized? I think using generics is the Java way to do things, so I always parametrize my NSArrays/NSDictionaries. However I noticed that NSMutableArray's addObject() is not parametrized.

    > I try and eliminate the warnings by fixing the code, but sometimes that is not practical.

    For example? So far I haven't come across that case.

    > Adding a..uppressWarning is grating enough to not be something I do lightly.

    I just noticed that quite soon every class gets annotated with it (even in not so big projects) so it just becomes noise that you no longer see.

    Thanks for your input,
    - Marius

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