Re: TurnKey Installer Components

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2010 - 15:15:16 UTC

  • Next message: Kieran Kelleher: "Re: TurnKey Installer Components"

    > I agree with John. I understand that there could -possibly- be issues with permissions in /Applications, but I've never run into them, and I don't recall anyone posting to the list with those types of problems.
    > I can write to my Eclipse directory just fine in /Applications. Installing plugins has never required me to authenticate or adjust the permissions.
    > I just don't see the justification for the installer to behave differently than how every other installer (other than Xcode) behaves; present the user with an install location that is defaulted to /Applications, but allows them to choose a different location.
    It has to behave differently because eclipse sucks. You've never had permissions issues because your permissions are wrong because they HAVE to be wrong for eclipse to work properly. It's not that there's possibly a permissions problem, it's that there just IS a permissions problem. Apps that install with defaults that are unsafe are kind of uncool. We should default to safety even if that means it's slightly off. I like to think that our new users aren't retarded and can cope with having our app in a different folder initially. If THEY want to move and figure out what that means, that's up to them, but we shouldn't put them in a compromised situation out-of-the-box.


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