Pure Scala webobjects app

From: John Huss (johnthus..mail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 12 2010 - 20:41:10 UTC

  • Next message: Marius Soutier: "Re: Pure Scala webobjects app"

    I created a pure Scala WO app, and I have a couple small problems:

    1) The class files in "bin/" are not being copied to the into the "build/"
    folder by the WOLips incremental builder. I'm not sure how this is supposed
    to work in general. But "bin" is getting updated and "build" is not. I
    have worked around it for now by changing the output path to
    "build/ScalaExample.woa/Contents/Resources/Java". but I don't know if that
    will always work.

    2) When I right-click Application.scala I don't get the option to run it as
    a WOApplication. I'm not sure where the option comes from. I can create
    the launcher manually or run the java version first to create the launcher,
    but it would be nice to just have it work.

    If these are simple to fix I could submit a patch with a little help.


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