[Newbie] Nested Data Contexts?

From: Hermann Röscheisen (new..ojenboom.de)
Date: Sat Sep 06 2003 - 13:34:57 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [Newbie] Nested Data Contexts?"


    I'm quite new to Cayenne but have a lot experience with EOF. This
    question may be silly, but I neither have found a solution in the docs
    nor a corresponding announcement in the "Plans for 1.1 and after..."

    In EOF I frequently use nested editing contexts with a nesting level up
    to 5 for all kind of editors with multiple pages. Trying to move an
    existing project from EOF to Cayenne I'm missing this feature. The
    DataContext constructor already supports it ;-)

    Are there plans to implement nested data contexts or is there another
    way to achieve the same? Or am I doing something wrong?

    Hermann Röscheisen, Am Gojenboom 33a, 22111 Hamburg
    E-Mail: h..ojenboom.de, Fon: (040) 65 99 43 54

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