RFC: semantic of expressions

From: Giulio Cesare Solaroli (slrgcs..bn-italy.com)
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 04:28:42 EDT

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "Re: semantic of expressions"

    Hi everybody,

    I am now trying to implement from scratch the expression package in
    order to provide better support for "advanced" expressions and better
    extendibility. At the moment I have done just the basic layout of the
    interfaces / classes needed to support in memory evaluation, but I have
    already a few ideas on how to implement the SQL generation too.

    Before going further, I would like to collect some comments of the way
    that expressions should behave on complex situations like the one
    expressed below:

    Example: let's take the structure described above and add a "User"

    Item <-->> Bid <<--> User

    The "Bid" has a to-one relationship to the "User" entity ("to_user");
    the "User" entity has a to-many relationship to the "Bid" entity

    In this scenario, you could be interested in defining many expressions;
    some examples:

    1- "all items that have bids done by User_A and User_B"
    2- "all items that have bids done by User whose gender is "male" and
    whose address is in the United States.

     From an SQL point of view, this two expressions translates to two very
    different queries:

    The first expression should translate to something like:
          select t0.id_item, t0....
          from item t0, bid t1, bid t2, user t3, user t4
            where t0.id_item = t1.id_item
            and t1.id_user = t3.id_user
            and t3.id_user = <id User_A>
            and t0.id_item = t2.id_item
            and t2.id_user = t3.id_user
            and t3.id_user = <id User_B>

    While the second expression should translate to something like:
          select t0.id_item, t0....
          from item t0, bid t1, user t3
            where t0.id_item = t1.id_item
            and t1.id_user = t3.id_user
            and t3.gender = "male"
              and t3.state = "United States"

    The whole SQL thing should be hidden by the library itself. But how
    should I code these two differente situation in the application?

    Let's start from the sencond expression, where the questions are
    I think anybody could agree that the following code looks quite right:

            genderExpression = new KeyValueExpression("to_bids.to_user.gender",
    OperatorSelector.Equal, "male");
            stateExpression = new KeyValueExpression("to_bids.to_user.state",
    OperatorSelector.Equal, "United States");
            fullExpression = new AndExpression(genderExpression, stateExpression);
            query = new SelectQuery(Item.class, fullExpression);
            result = dataContext.performQuery(query);

    (even if the code look right, any comments are more than welcome).

    Now, let's look back at the first example. Here I can see more
    reasonable options.

    First take:
            userAExpression = new KeyValueExpression("to_bids.to_user",
    OperatorSelector.Equal, UserA);
            userBExpression = new KeyValueExpression("to_bids.to_user",
    OperatorSelector.Equal, UserB);
            fullExpression = new AndExpression(userAExpression, userBExpression);
            query = new SelectQuery(Item.class, fullExpression);
            result = dataContext.performQuery(query);

    Second take:
            users = new Vector();
            expression = new MatchAllValuesExpression("to_bids.to_user", users);
            query = new SelectQuery(Item.class, expression);
            result = dataContext.performQuery(query);

    In the first take, all the logic of whether to split the relationship
    must be coded in the AndExpression, even if I fear that a certain level
    of heuristic (as a certain level of guess) will come into action when
    the thing gets more tough.

    On the second take, the semantic is chosen by the developer instead of
    the framework and the code of the framework could be much simpler.

    Any suggestion on this idea to restructure the expressions based on
    their semantic, instead on their attribute (as they are now)?
    Do you like the way the code looks like?

    Thanks for the attention.

    Giulio Cesare Solaroli

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