PDF Documentation

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Sun Feb 13 2005 - 18:20:39 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Master index for User/Developer/Modeler guide (and maybe wiki)"

    I just checked in the code integrating PDF documentation builds to
    Cayenne. This code was contributed by Anton Sakalouski. Thanks Anton!!

    To generate user and modeler guides checkout HEAD from CVS, and from
    there just do "cd cayenne ; ant pdf". New docs are not included in the
    release yet, as we need to work out remaining issues.

    Minor bugs:

    1. <source> element ignores spaces and line break of the enclosed text,
    putting it all in one line.
    2. Relative hyperlinks do not work (I guess we may simply disable them
    if this is easier than to make it work). Absolute hyperlinks (e.g.
    those pointing to external sites) work just fine.

    Other issues:

    We can do more work on style to make it more professional. I like the
    way Spring Framework does it
    (http://www.springframework.org/docs/spring-reference.pdf). Maybe we
    should borrow this style?

    Tables ... I guess we can change the background to be white or light
    grey, but what bothers me more than that is column sizes (they are all
    equally spaced resulting in some ugly wrapping)... This is actually a
    problem with our XML source, so I suggest to add "width" attribute to
    XML and start handling it in the FOP transform.

    Front page needs a better design. I see if we have a better logo image.
    And also we need to add copyrights and all that.

    Table of contents would be nice (both as a part of the document, and
    also a PDF table of contents recognized by Acrobat Reader)


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Sun Feb 13 2005 - 18:20:43 EST