Re: Safe to compare testmap.xml + cgen with src/tests/java/org/

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 15:57:34 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Optimistic Locking Bug?"

    > Is it safe to generate classes from
    > src/tests/resources/test-resources/testmap.xml with cgen and compare it
    > against src/tests/java/org/ Do the files in
    >[auto] get rebuilt from cgen or are they static?

    They are static, you can use them for comparison.

    > If they get rebuilt constantly, then I'm going to have to create static
    > copies of them, but they appear to be checked into cvs, thus, I'm
    > assuming they're relatively static.

    It depends on your preferred approach. I personally always check in
    generated classes to CVS... This just makes life easier with Eclipse -
    when you get a fresh checkout you can start using it instead of trying to
    figure what Ant task to run first.


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