deprecating setLogLevel

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Sep 18 2005 - 14:17:51 EDT

  • Next message: Gili: "Re: deprecating setLogLevel"

    Anybody finds these methods useful?


    I thought we won't have to deal with factoring out Log4J in this
    release cycle, but I hate having bulky Log4J jar on the client, so I
    am going back to this earlier discussion:

    What I want to do now is to deprecate methods above. If we want to
    keep this functionality in some form, it can be replaced with
    solution provided by Holger:

    However I am inclined to get rid of it all together. Having API
    control over logging level seemed like a good idea 3 years ago, but
    now it looks more like bad design. Anyone thinks we should absolutely
    keep it?

    .... Now when I was writing this, I actually found a reasonable
    substitute - QueryLogger.setLoggingLevel(..). We just need it to be
    stored in a ThreadLocal. So I guess I have my answer?....


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